Chesterton Community Sports College is a successful, caring, innovative 11-16 school.
GCSE results show that pupils make positive progress across a range of subjects. Our school is over-subscribed due to the outstanding personalised education that we offer.
The school is proud of its motto, 'To Be The Best You Can Be' which underpins the ethos of our school.
Monday 14th October: Year 10 Recap Week Begins
Monday 14th October: Year 10 Spanish Mock Speaking Exams Week
Thursday 17th October: Careers Evening Year 10 & 11
“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime”.
“Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings”.
Nelson Mandela
“Education Is not a guaranteed route out of poverty but it is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”.
Thu Oct 17 Year 10/Year 11 Careers Evening |
Mon Oct 21 Year 10 Exams Week |
Tue Oct 22 Year 10 Netball |
Fri Oct 25 Half Term Begins at 15:05pm |
Mon Nov 04 Back to School 08:20am |
Mr R Swindells BA (Hons)
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs S Waterhouse BA (Hons)