The department is committed to helping pupils become aware of how religion affects them and the world around them as well as enabling them to understand the beliefs of others. Religion can be considered as the most important influence on the lives of everyone in the world. Even if we think that we do not believe in any religion, and that it is nothing to do with us, it affects a great many aspects of our everyday lives. Religious belief has been with humanity since the very beginning. It is an attempt to explain those things for which we do not otherwise have an answer.
At Chesterton Community Sports College, all children in years 7 and 8 have one lesson a week of Religious and Multicultural Studies. They can then pick AQA GCSE Religious Studies as an option. In conjunction with this, all KS4 pupils will have a weekly RMS session during form time and the SMSC nature of the subject is mapped throughout the entire KS4 curriculum thus offering pupils a wide-range of opportunities to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally.
Within the department, we also have a team of pupil RMS Leaders who will work together to promote culture and care within the school and wider community. This team of students help organise charity events, such as Operation Christmas Child and they assist in the planning and running of our successful Community Days. These include visiting local care homes, singing at the hospital, running coffee mornings, community litter picks and delivering workshops at our local primary schools.