New performance measures for GCSEs are in place this year, which means a change to the way exam results are reported.
The new accountability measure Progress 8 aims to capture the progress a pupil makes from the end of primary school to the end of secondary school. It will give an indication of whether, as a group, pupils in the school make positive or negative progress in relationship to national standards.
The progress 8 score is calculated by the DFE and will be available for parents in late October, however early indications show that once again pupil’s results show outstanding progress. We are estimating a score of over +0.2 which will place the school well above the national average and most likely in the top 20% of schools nationally. Alongside this we once again can report excellent results across many subjects, including Biology 100%, Physics 100%, Chemistry 96%, Computer Science, 78%, English 70%, Languages 67%, Science 68%.
Well done to all GCSE pupils!