Over these four days more than 340 Year 6 pupils and their staff from across 9 local Primary Schools enjoyed a day with us to experience High School life. Pupils followed a timetable of exciting and interactive activities covering Science, PE, History, Geography, ICT and Modern Foreign Languages, learning a variety of new skills and gaining confidence mixing with other pupils and new teachers. Our Year 11 Prefect ambassadors acted as excellent guides and helpers throughout the week, along with other skilled pupil helpers.
Year 6 Primary pupils enjoyed a choice of hot cooked meals at lunchtime in the school canteen, which along with moving between rooms for their different lessons and trying out new activities, gave them a valuable taste of how a Secondary School operates. Pupils had both an enjoyable and educational time at Chesterton Community Sports College and on the Thursday returned later that night with their parents for our very busy Open Evening, where the whole school site was open for free-flow to prospective parents and their children to tour our facilities, meet and chat with staff and both current and past pupils. A huge variety of interactive activities, drama and staff demonstrations where on show! Parents were greatly impressed with the School, it’s pupils and staff, and completed evaluation forms, and requesting tours.
Parents wishing to tour the School during a working day are welcome to contact us to arrange a suitable time and date for a tour with our Deputy Head Mrs Waterhouse – telephone our School Office on 01782 568350.