Students in Year 7 have been conducting their own research as part of their Statistics topic in Maths. This group project took place over two weeks, with students applying skills that they had learned in their lesson to data they had collected in order to develop a presentation, which they were expected to present in front of the class to report on their findings!
The first stage of the project had pupils developing their hypothesis and writing a research proposal, including creating a questionnaire which was distributed to different pupils and staff in the school:
The students then had to record the data from all of their questionnaire responses in an appropriate frequency table that they created themselves, and create a range of statistical diagrams to show their results.
The final stage of the competition was the presentation! Students were given two lessons to prepare their presentation and materials, and then presented this to the class. Their presentation had to include a statistical analysis of their data, diagrams to show their findings and a final conclusion in which they had to explain whether their data had supported the hypothesis they had been investigating.
Even though ALL students put in a huge amount of effort and produced fantastic work, there could only be one winner! Staff and students all voted for their favourite research and presentation, and the winner was… The Villain Kids, who had chosen to research whether emojis were used more by teenage boys or teenage girls.
Ocean, Miley, Beth and Poppy (71x)